Sahul - Part II: Climate Change
Søren Bay Kruse Thomsen Søren Bay Kruse Thomsen

Sahul - Part II: Climate Change

Australia is a dry land, but it was not always so. The transformation of the landmass from one of savannas and rainforests to ‘the Red Continent’ has often been posited as an explanation for the disappearances of the region’s ancient megafauna. Yet does the evidence bear this out, and what role does Papua New Guinea play in the conversation?

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Europe - Part I: Prelude and Climate
Tristan Rapp Tristan Rapp

Europe - Part I: Prelude and Climate

Before the age of farming was an age of hunters; before the age of hunters was an age of giants. In this first part of our series on the European extinctions, we describe the continent’s original ecosystems, before the vanishings, and analyse the evidence for a climatic explanation.

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